Beancurd skin
Beancurd skin


Here is the image for the beancurd skin I purchased. Prepare the beancurd skin – soaking and pan-frying As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Please read my privacy policy for more info. Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Beancurd skin is a popular alternative to meat as it has a meaty texture. Below is my interpretation best to suit my palate, and I will mention some variations along the way for your consideration. This beancurd skin recipe is typical among the Chinese living in southern China and the Asian region, albeit with variations of the method and ingredients. Just show these two Chinese characters to the storekeeper to purchase, and he will not confuse them with other tofu-related products. You can get it at most Asian markets or Asian grocery stores. However, I try to make things simpler by referring it as 腐竹 (fǔzhú or fu zhu,) which means tofu bamboo in Chinese. Hence, beancurd sheets, fresh tofu skins, tofu sticks, soybean skin, bean curd sticks, yuba skin are referred to as the same item. Since this food item is relatively unfamiliar in the western world, it is translated in several ways based on its look and origin. It is a popular food item in China, Japan, and Korea. This film is removed and dried to become a thin yellowish sheet.

beancurd skin

The process involves boiling the soy milk in a shallow pan, a film of skin forms on the top of the soy milk. Bean curd skin is seriously an Asian specialty.

Beancurd skin